Every day, it’s likely that you come into contact with an extensive home cleaning products. Dishwashing liquids, laundry detergents, floor cleaners, air fresheners – there is possibly a range of different sprays & liquids you are using around your home on a regular basis. But when buying these types of common household cleaning products, do you ever stop to peep at the list of ingredients? Sadly, most of the household cleaners feature hazardous ingredients that can be harmful to the wellbeing of your family and also the environment. At Terra Cleaning, we offer green house cleaning in Salinas CA and believe that you need to avoid these below listed cleaning ingredients at any cost:

This harmful ingredient is found in numerous window and glass cleaners, and also products used for bathroom sinks & surfaces.
Regrettably, ammonia is exceedingly exasperating to our respiratory system as is especially troublesome for people who experience asthma or any short of breathing problems. Senior people, and those with lung issues, must avoid using ammonia based cleaning products in their home. And ammonia should never be blended with bleach, as it produces a poisonous gas when mixed together.

Like ammonia, chlorine is also an irritant, that possess bad effects on both the respiratory system & when come in touch with your skin. It is usually found in cleaning stuff employed in the bathroom & laundry, in the way of toilet cleaners and mildew removers. So, stay away of household cleaning products that feature chlorine for the betterment of everybody living in your home!

Sodium Hydroxide:
This is perhaps the most hazardous ingredients that you must be alert of. Also known as lye, sodium hydroxide is primarily found in heavy duty products such as oven cleaners & drain un-blockers.
Just imagine how acidic these products must be, if they can clean blocked drains within minutes, what it could possibly do to your eyes, skin and airways. So, just try to keep these products away from your home and prevent serious chemicals to anybody in your family.

If you are truly environment conscious, you will wish to ignore any household cleaning products that feature phosphates. These ingredients are right up there on the list when it comes to causing damage to the rivers and oceans, as they can prompt an overgrowth of algae which decreases oxygen supplies for other sea life.
For completely eco-friendly cleaning you can always depend on Terra Cleaning. Whether it is house cleaning or office cleaning in Salinas CA we always use products that doesn’t consist these above mentioned harmful ingredients. Feel free to schedule our green cleaning solutions right now!
This blog is originally posted here: https://terracleaningservices.wordpress.com/2018/11/12/top-4-ingredients-to-avoid-when-buying-house-cleaning-products/