Spring has gone & summer is now upon us, meaning that there’s no limitation of airborne pollen & dust. Due to this, keeping an eye on your house cleaning in Monterey CA can get a bit difficult. This is why Terra Cleaning has compiled a list of easily dirtied places in your home that we’d be willing to bet that you hardly remember to clean.
The Ceiling Fan: Often ignored because no one actually spends their time looking up. Unfortunately, when a ceiling fan is full of grime, pollen, and dirt it does not just accumulate & hold the substances, but rather holds & redistributes the airborne substances back around your home. However, if you hire Terra Cleaning as your maid service in Monterey CA you can rest assured knowing your ceiling fans will get the attention they deserve.

Under Appliances: Quite like ceiling fans, appliances are a breeding ground for dirt, dust, and other stuffs. Yes, it looks clean to the naked eyes, but after weeks of sweeping, there’re bound to be some dirty surprises buried under the appliances. Call Terra Cleaning and rest easy knowing there’s no filth hiding under your appliances.
Baseboards: Generally, when cleaning their homes people tend to look at the walls and floors, but they forget to check out the adjacent part of the two. Baseboards, like other surfaces in your home can pile up dust. What differentiates baseboards from other dust piling stuffs is that baseboards are much difficult to sanitize once they’ve hoarded a large volume of dirt. If you see that you’ve dusty baseboards, don’t get your hands dirty. Call the pro cleaners at Terra Cleaning and leave the rest to them.

Doormats: Doormats are extremely important item to clean regularly. You might ask why? Well, to put it simply, they’re made to build up filth, and when they meet their doorsill – they begin to spread it. To make sure your doormats are totally clean, let the home cleaning specialists at Terra Cleaning do their job.
Homes get dirty, it’s just a part of life – but they don’t have to remain dirty. If your house is in need of a quick clean or a seasonal clean, feel free to get in touch with Terra Cleaning today. Our professional house cleaning services will have your home looking great in no-time. Schedule our professional house cleaning in Monterey CA to get the best deal available.
This blog is originally posted here: https://terracleaning.wordpress.com/2019/02/13/4-places-people-tend-to-forget-when-cleaning-their-homes/