As the summer season has come to a close & fall is in its full flow, the colder months brings about so many great things, but one not so loved factor that comes along with this phase of year is the annual flu & cold season.
It is no secret that the world can be a filthy place, but just making use of hand cleaner or avoiding public bathrooms and filthy handrails is not adequate to safeguard you from catching flu or other ailments.
Listed here are some stuff you touch daily that can spread germs, but cleaning them correctly will certainly help you avoid getting ill.

At Home:
Cutting Board: There’s approximately 200 times more germ on the standard cutting board than on a toilet seat. Ensure you’re cleaning yours before & after every use.
Dishcloth: The main bacteria spreader in the house – a kitchen dishcloth on average features nearly ten million germs per square inch. Change your cloth as regularly as feasible to avoid bacteria.
Towels: Wet towel left in warm bathrooms are a breeding ground for bacteria. Drying off can transmit thrush & skin cells to the towel, which offer germ with foods to nourish and multiply.
Kitchen Sink: Probably the filthiest part in the house, there’re usually 600,000 germs per square inch in the kitchen sink’s drain alone.

At Work:
Office Desk: Anywhere that you spend time for 8 hours a day is going to accumulate bacteria, and your office desk is exemption. Just imagine how often you sneeze & coughs during a typical workday. If you are not cleaning your workspace regularly, the bacteria can start to multiply quickly.
Light Switches: Workplace light switches get touched by thousands of filthy fingers over the years, as most cleaning services don’t sanitize these regions. This leaves majority of the light switches with nearly 217 germs per square inch.

Computer Keyboard: Taking lunch at your work desk is a terrible idea, as scraps of food that settles in your keyboard can turn out to be a breeding ground for bacteria. Give your keyboard a wipe with disinfectant on a regular basis to be safe.
While there’re plenty of precautionary measures you can take in order to decrease your risk of catching flu, the most guaranteed way to keep your home or office clean, is to appoint a professional housekeeping service that’ll routinely sanitize these commonly germ-infected areas & much more.
Call Terra Cleaning now to schedule our professional cleaning service.
This blog is originally posted here: