The WHO has declared the Corona Virus a pandemic, and number of cases persists to rise worldwide. As the threat becomes more widespread, precautions should be taken without any negligence. According to WHO, COVID-19 symptoms include fever, shortness of breath and a cough. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. People are at higher risk of getting sick of this virus who have chronic diseases like diabetes, heart failure, asthma and other respiratory issues.
Here are some basic protective measures against the new COVID 19:

Wash your hands regularly:
Frequently & thoroughly wash your hands with the help of an alcohol based sanitizer or clean your hands with soap and water. Because cleaning hand with soap and water employing alcohol-based sanitizers destroys viruses or germs that may be in your hands.

Maintain social distance:
Maintain a minimum of 3ft distance amid yourself & anybody who’s coughing or sneezing because when a person coughs or sneezes they spurt tiny liquid droplets from their mouth or nose which may contain virus. If you’re too close, you can inhale the droplets, including the novel corona virus if the person coughing or sneezing is infected with this disease.

Stay at home if you feel unwell:
Stay at home if you start feeling unwell, even with mild symptoms like runny nose and headache, until you recover. Because ignoring contact with others & visits to medical facilities will let these facilities function more efficiently and help safeguard you & others from probable corona virus & other viruses.

Follow local public health guidelines:
By mid March 2020, a great number of states, cities and counties executed their own precautionary measures to put a break on the spread of the COVID 19. Several private and public schools are closed, social functions have been suspended, and companies asked their employees to work from home to slow down this pandemic outbreak. Restaurants, malls and bars are also closed or have limited hours, as do other nonessential business, such as clothing stores.
If your state or local Government has implanted any guidelines, you must follow them to the best of your ability. For more check here:
Last but not least, try to stay calm during this tense situation because high stress level can cause havoc on your immune system, which is not favorable to fight with COVID 19. As the corona virus has spread across the globe, we encourage everybody to stay equipped with the facts instead of the myths. We recommends having a close eye on the CDC website & the WHO website, where both agencies publish regular updates on the number of cases in the globe, and also frequently updated guidelines on how to safeguard yourself & others.
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